Be the One;
Find the One.
The most important factor in finding your eternal marriage partner is preparing yourself, including your mind, your heart and your relationship with and knowledge about God and why He created you.
Sexual abstinence before marriage and becoming unselfish are keys to this preparation.
UnionStation.love invites those who have kept their sexual purity, meaning that they are abstaining from all types of sexual relationships in preparation for marriage and those who have returned to sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage to become a member, find their eternal match and receive the Blessing of marriage.
Married couples will also strengthen their marriage and give their marriage eternality by studying the Blessing Preparation Course and receiving the Marriage Blessing that was initiated by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife.
Couples matched with the help of UnionStaion.love will receive the Blessing of Marriage from another previously Blessed couple in a public or private Blessing Ceremony.