Blessing Preparation Course


The purpose of the Blessing Preparation Course is to help each participant prepare to find their eternal spouse and to receive the Blessing of Marriage with their eternal partner. Toward that end, each participant is required to take a 40 day (six week) online course. This will help you to become the best person so that you can find the best person. The course is designed to be completed in 6 weeks covering a total of 38 lessons. Each week’s commitment is designed to take a total of about 2 hours, including time to connect and discuss on the forum.

Part 1 (Lessons 1-7) The Meaning of Marriage

Lesson 1: Man and Woman are God’s masterpieces
Lesson 2: Marriage Makes a Man or a Woman Complete
Lesson 3: True Conjugal Love Unites a Man, a Woman and God
Lesson 4: All of creation, including man and woman, is designed by God with the concept of male and female or plus and minus
Lesson 5: Human Beings Meet God at the Original Palace of the Sexual Organs
Lesson 6: You Have to Know the Value of the Blessing
Lesson 7: True Love, Life and Lineage are the center of the Blessing

Part 2 (Lessons 8-13) The Principle of Creation and the Human Fall

Lesson 8: The Principle of Creation:  The Dual Characteristics of God and the Creation; Universal Prime Energy, Give and Receive Action and the Four Position Foundation
Lesson 9: The Principle of Creation:  The Purpose of Creation, Original Value, and the Process of Creation and the Growing Period.
Lesson 10: The Principle of Creation:  The Incorporeal World and the Corporeal World Whose Center is Human Beings
Lesson 11: The Human Fall: The Root of Sin
Lesson 12: The Motivation and Process of the Fall and the Power of Love, the Power of the Principle and God’s Commandment
Lesson 13: The Consequences of the Human Fall; Freedom and the Human Fall; The Reason God Did not Intervene in the Fall of the First Human Ancestors

Part 3 (Lessons 14-15) Relationship Intelligence

Lesson 14: Relationship Intelligence Reality Check Part A
Lesson 15: Relationship Intelligence Reality Check Part B

Part 4 (Lesson 16-26) Family Pledge

Lesson 16: Family Pledge 1: Building the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven
Lesson 17: Family Pledge 2: Attending God and True Parents; Becoming True Parents Ourselves
Lesson 18: Family Pledge 3: Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart
Lesson 19: Family Pledge 3 (continued): Perfecting the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family
Lesson 20: Family Pledge 4: Building the Universal Family and Perfecting the world of Freedom, Peace, Unity and Happiness
Lesson 21: Family Pledge 5: Advancing the Unification of the Spirit World and Physical World as Subject and Object Partners.
Lesson 22: Family Pledge 6: Moving Heavenly Fortune by Embodying God and True Parents and conveying Heaven’s blessing to our community.
Lesson 23: Family Pledge 7: Pledging to Perfect the World Based on the Culture of Heart which is rooted in the original lineage
Lesson 24: Family Pledge 8: Having Entered the Completed Testament Age
Lesson 25: Family Pledge 8 (continued): Through Absolute Faith, Absolute Love and Absolute Obedience
Lesson 26: Family Pledge 8 (continued): Achieving the Ideal of God and Human Beings United in Love and Perfecting the Realm of Liberation and Complete Freedom

Part 5 (Lesson 27-32) The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics

Lessons 27 to 32: The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics parts 1 to 6

Part 6 (Lesson 33-36) The Blessing

Lesson 33: The Four Blessing Pledges and the Importance of Hoon Dok Hae
Lesson 34: Steps of the Blessing and Understanding the Conversion of Lineage and the Holy Wine Ceremony
Lesson 35: Understanding the 40 Day Separation and Three Day Ceremony
Lesson 36: Steps to Complete the Chastening Ceremony and the Forty Days of Sexual Abstinence
Lesson 37: The Meaning of the Three-Day Ceremony
Lesson 38: Steps to Complete the Three-Day Ceremony


  • 8 Sections
  • 47 Lessons
  • 38 Quizzes
  • 0m Duration
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1 Lesson0 Quizzes
  1. How to Use the Blessing Preparation Course-Please Read This First
Part 1-The Meaning of Marriage
14 Lessons7 Quizzes
  1. Lesson 1: Man and Woman are God’s Masterpieces
  2. Preparation #1
  3. Lesson 1 Quiz
  4. Lesson 2: Marriage Makes a Man or a Woman Complete
  5. Preparation #2
  6. Lesson 2 Quiz
  7. Lesson 3: True Conjugal Love Unites a Man, a Woman and God
  8. Preparation #3
  9. Lesson 3 Quiz
  10. Lesson 4: All of creation, including man and woman, is designed by God with the concept of male and female or plus and minus
  11. Preparation #4
  12. Lesson 4 Quiz
  13. Lesson 5: Human Beings Meet God at the Original Palace of the Sexual Organs
  14. Preparation #5
  15. Lesson 5 Quiz
  16. Lesson 6: You Have to Know the Value of the Blessing
  17. Preparation #6
  18. Lesson 6 Quiz
  19. Lesson 7: True Love, Life and Lineage are the center of the Blessing
  20. Preparation #7
  21. Lesson 7 Quiz
Part 2-The Principle of Creation & The Human Fall
6 Lessons6 Quizzes
  1. Lesson 8: The Principle of Creation: The Dual Characteristics of God and the Creation; Universal Prime Energy, Give and Receive Action and the Four Position Foundation
  2. Lesson 8 Quiz
  3. Lesson 9: The Principle of Creation: The Purpose of Creation, Original Value, and the Process of Creation and the Growing Period.
  4. Lesson 9 Quiz
  5. Lesson 10: The Principle of Creation: The Incorporeal World and the Corporeal World Whose Center is Human Beings
  6. Lesson 10 Quiz
  7. Lesson 11: The Human Fall - The Root of Sin
  8. Lesson 11 Quiz
  9. Lesson 12: The Motivation and Process of the Fall and the Power of Love, the Power of the Principle and God’s Commandment
  10. Lesson 12 Quiz
  11. Lesson 13: The Consequences of the Human Fall; Freedom and the Human Fall; The Reason God Did not Intervene in the Fall of the First Human Ancestors
  12. Lesson 13 Quiz
Part 3-Relationship Intelligence
2 Lessons2 Quizzes
  1. Lesson 14: Relationship Intelligence Reality Check Part A
  2. Lesson 14 Quiz
  3. Lesson 15: Relationship Intelligence Reality Check Part B
  4. Lesson 15 Quiz
Part 4-Family Pledge
11 Lessons11 Quizzes
  1. Lesson 16: Family Pledge 1: Building the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven
  2. Lesson 16 Quiz
  3. Lesson 17: Family Pledge 2: Attending God and True Parents; Becoming True Parents Ourselves
  4. Lessson 17 Quiz
  5. Lesson 18: Family Pledge 3: Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart
  6. Lesson 18 Quiz
  7. Lesson 19: Family Pledge 3 (continued): Perfecting the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family
  8. Lesson 19 Quiz
  9. Lesson 20: Family Pledge 4: Building the Universal Family and Perfecting the world of Freedom, Peace, Unity and Happiness
  10. Lesson 20 Quiz
  11. Lesson 21: Family Pledge 5: Advancing the Unification of the Spirit World and Physical World as Subject and Object Partners.
  12. Lesson 21 Quiz
  13. Lesson 22: Family Pledge 6: Moving Heavenly Fortune by Embodying God and True Parents and conveying Heaven’s blessing to our community.
  14. Lesson 22 Quiz
  15. Lesson 23: Family Pledge 7: Pledging to Perfect the World Based on the Culture of Heart which is rooted in the original lineage
  16. Lesson 23 Quiz
  17. Lesson 24: Family Pledge 8: Having Entered the Completed Testament Age
  18. Lesson 24 Quiz
  19. Lesson 25: Family Pledge 8 (continued): Through Absolute Faith, Absolute Love and Absolute Obedience
  20. Lesson 25 Quiz
  21. Lesson 26: Family Pledge 8 (continued): Achieving the Ideal of God and Human Beings United in Love and Perfecting the Realm of Liberation and Complete Freedom
  22. Lesson 26 Quiz
Part 5-The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics
6 Lessons6 Quizzes
  1. Lesson 27: The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 1
  2. Lesson 27 Quiz
  3. Lesson 28: The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 2
  4. Lesson 28 Quiz
  5. Lesson 29: The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 3
  6. Lesson 29 Quiz
  7. Lesson 30: The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 4
  8. Lesson 30 Quiz
  9. Lesson 31: The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 5
  10. Lesson 31 Quiz
  11. Lesson 32: The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 6
  12. Lesson 32 Quiz
Part 6-The Blessing
6 Lessons6 Quizzes
  1. Lesson 33: The Four Blessing Pledges and the Importance of Hoon Dok Hae
  2. Lesson 33 Quiz
  3. Lesson 34: Steps of the Blessing and Understanding the Conversion of Lineage and the Holy Wine Ceremony
  4. Lesson 34 Quiz
  5. Lesson 35: Understanding the 40 Day Separation and Three Day Ceremony
  6. Lesson 35 Quiz
  7. Lesson 36: Steps to Complete the Chastening Ceremony and the Forty Days of Sexual Abstinence
  8. Lesson 36 Quiz
  9. Lesson 37: The Meaning of the Three-Day Ceremony
  10. Lesson 37 Quiz
  11. Lesson 38: Steps to Complete the Three-Day Ceremony
  12. Lesson 38 Quiz
1 Lesson0 Quizzes
  1. Resources
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1 user rating

Oct 11, 2023 @ 3:53 pm
patrick kityo
Great site to marriage blessings, this is what we have been missing and waiting for. Excellent job Pastor Richard
Richard Urban
Oct 11, 2023 @ 5:48 pm
Thank you!

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